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Hi everybody!
So I don't know if anyone is going to bother reading this, or whether this blog will ever be a success, however I guess I will never know until I try right?

I've been debating whether I should start a blog for while now and have had this account for over 6 months but I've just been too scared to post and have never really been certain as to what I want to write about, but as its the summer and I have a long period of time without much planned I decided that now is better than never and that I should just be brave and go ahead with it! 

I guess now just seems the perfect time with having recently just finished school/ exams and taking up my previously part time job to full time. This has also allowed me to leave behind people that have ever made me feel negative or haven't had the best impact on me and really focus on the people who I need in my life and I know will always be there.

I have no idea if this blog will get any readers and I don't really have an aim or focus as to what this will be about but I guess I will just have to wait and see how it goes!


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