Current Top 5 Albums

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I was overwhelmed with so many ideas that I couldn't decide what to post first, so I decided to go for something simple that allowed me to give my own opinions and to let people to get to know me a bit better. I've created my own "Top 5" list of Albums that are currently my favourite and I have been listening to on repeat as I just love them so much!

American Beauty/ American Psycho ( Fall Out Boy)

Fall Out Boy have always been one of my favourite bands, in fact the first music video I ever remember watching when I was younger was their single "This Ain't a Scene. It's an Arms Race" therefore it is always a given that I will like any music released by this band. Fall Out Boy's last two albums have been absolutely on point, however this latest album is in my opinion, their best yet. The songs are all easily recognisable as they all contain the classic "Fall Out Boy sound" yet they are so different from their original albums and have really developed.

Communion (Years and Years)

I knew I would be a fan of Years and Years after the first single from this album, "King" was released. The song was always stuck in my head and I was always found myself singing along to it as it just reminded me of summer and instantly made me fell happy. Their album "Communion" is full of songs that are all equally as upbeat, catchy and contain their signature electronic beats.

1989 (Taylor Swift)

"1989" is Taylor Swift's first album in the Pop genre and at first I was apprehensive as to how it would turn out. The singles "Shake It Off" and "Blank Space" were the typical pop songs with repeated lyrics, however this didn't mean they weren't good and they never failed to stay out of my head for long. I bought the album after previewing a few of the less popular tracks on it such as "Wonderland" and loving them as I wondered whether all of the songs could be that good. As it turns out yes they can! Every single song on the album has the potential to be a single and there isn't one bad song on the album, even the deluxe version. This is easily one of my favourite albums and I still listen to it most days, despite it being released nearly 9 months ago.

The Balcony ( Catfish and the Bottlemen)

I had heard a few of Catfish and the Bottlemen's singles but I never really paid aattention them until I saw the band live at Radio One's Big Weekend this year in Norwich, where the band were only asked to play as a replacement for Sam Smith who became ill. The band were absolutely amazing to see and were easily one of the best acts of the day (except for Taylor Swift of course) and after the weekend I found myself listening back to some of the songs they played that weekend such as "Kathleen" and "Homesick" and realising how good they actually were. It's safe to say I'm now hooked!

Future Hearts ( All Time Low)

Similar to Fall Out Boy, I have always been a fan of All Time Low since I was young and went through the typical 'emo rebellious stage,' but this band seemed to have stayed with me through the years. When I heard that All Time Low were releasing new music and a new album I was instantly excited for it. The band have managed to allow for their music to grow with them as much of the album has a new. more 'grown up' sound to it, however songs such as "Don't You Go" still hold the similar sounds they became famous for such as "Dear Maria Count Me In".

Badlands ( Halsey)

I know this is a top 5 list and this is the 6th album that I'm writing about, but if it's not been released yet does it really count? Halsey's first album isn't being released until next month so you're probably wondering how I can be including it in my favourite albums, and the simple answer is that it is by Halsey. I am such a fan of Halsey as I am in love with her "indie pop" style of music and her unique voice. Everything she has released, singles and EP's, have always been perfect and I have instantly become obsessed with them. I know that this album will be perfect for me and I hope you will all enjoy it too!

Hello Everybody!

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Hi everybody!
So I don't know if anyone is going to bother reading this, or whether this blog will ever be a success, however I guess I will never know until I try right?

I've been debating whether I should start a blog for while now and have had this account for over 6 months but I've just been too scared to post and have never really been certain as to what I want to write about, but as its the summer and I have a long period of time without much planned I decided that now is better than never and that I should just be brave and go ahead with it! 

I guess now just seems the perfect time with having recently just finished school/ exams and taking up my previously part time job to full time. This has also allowed me to leave behind people that have ever made me feel negative or haven't had the best impact on me and really focus on the people who I need in my life and I know will always be there.

I have no idea if this blog will get any readers and I don't really have an aim or focus as to what this will be about but I guess I will just have to wait and see how it goes!


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