Things University Has Taught Me

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I've been at university for nearly six months now and I know I don't post as much as I should do on this blog, so I thought I would make a list of things that my life at university has taught me so far and any unusual things that I have noticed.
Got to love fancy dress!

1. You will have NO sleeping pattern. 
Essays will be written at 3am on the day they're due in even if you started them weeks in advance and Netflix or Youtube will come before the sleep needed for your 9am seminars.

2.You will make friends with people that you never imagined yourself getting along with.
There are so many people all being thrown into the same situation as you and you're bound to find something in common with these people and become friends with them even if they weren't the sort of people you could have ever imagined yourself getting along with before.

3.There is no such thing as too much, or bad alcohol. 
Believe me, you can drink so much at pre drinks that you don't think you could get any worse, but when you get to the club you can always manage a few more drinks, £1 jäger bombs will always do the trick. The cheaper the alcohol you buy the better ( Lidl Rosé and Peach Schnapps is the way to go in our group.) Though this tip has usually ended in some interesting nights out with my friends!

4.You will survive on naps.
Got home after a lecture? Nap. Going on a night out later? Nap. Tired but it's too early to go to bed? Nap. It always happens.

5. The North South Divide is real.
People who haven't crossed this boundary to go to their university probably haven't seen how important and harsh this boundary can be. As a Northern having moved down South for university you find out just how different people think you are and how much people will stereotype you. Its vicious.

6. There is no such thing as Salmonella.
Living with two boys and not being the cleanest myself, our kitchen has been in some states, and you will soon learn that the cleanliness of your family kitchen at home will never be achieved unless its the last day of term of the first day back. Yet no one ever gets ill from this (even if you only wash your tea towels once a term.)

7. You are not as grown up as you thought you were.
You thought that you were now mature and grown up living away from your parents and studying, however you quickly realise you really aren't.  You will get so drunk you will be in states you didn't know existed, you will go days without eating properly or eating purely junk food, you will cry when you miss home, watch Netflix all day to avoid your responsibilities and miss lectures if you can get away without going. You really aren't as mature as you thought, and love it when you can go home and be babied for a while.

8. Your friends become your family.
The group of friends you make will soon know more about you than anyone else ever has and you will see them so often, that a day without seeing them soon feels too long. These will be the people that you will always go to advice for and will ask for all of their judgements on every little decision. My group of girls have become my family and I couldn't live without them, even our stupid and annoying conversations.

These girls are now my family:)
Endings to nights are.. interesting?

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